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Bro. Robert Blankenship
He has been serving as senior pastor at Cordova First Baptist since 2015. Brother Robert was an electronics engineer before God called him to preach, and he diligently responded to the call. Prior to serving here, he pastored a church in Arley, Alabama as well as a church in Mississippi. He is committed to sharing the Gospel, serving people for Christ, and digging deep into the Word: listening to what God is calling him to say.
Bro. Randy Barnes
He has served as music minister since 2016 and served various part and full-time positions at churches since 1975. He is also an insurance and investment advisor. As a worship leader, Brother Randy strives to help people to see the true God and the goodness He shows us each day, helping them to lift their voices in praise, and to be passionate about their experience in our worship service so that it carries over into their daily life.
Bro. Bryan Elliott
He has been serving at Cordova First Bapatist since January 2020. Brother Bryan is very passionate about reaching people with the Gospel and studying the Word. He has implemented Bible Drills and Skills as an exceptional, effective program for the children on Wednesday nights. He is also a postal carrier and has his master's degree in theology.
Bro. Patrick Hannah
He began serving as youth pastor in 2022, and he loves to be involved in what is going on in each of his students' lives. Brother Patrick has a goal to reach out to and be out in the community, as well as to make God's Word the center of every session the students have together. He is also a school teacher and is always looking for ways to be a light for Christ in his classroom.
Cordova First Baptist (not all shown) is a family in the body of Christ, and we all work together to spread His name. Loving God, loving others, and discipling others in their walks with Christ are key parts of ministry-- serving Christ-- and anyone who visits will see these evident in the local church-body in Cordova, AL
As the body of Christ we are led solely by His will and allowances. All that we do is for and because of Him. He is constantly providing, and we have seen His mighty hand at work repeatedly. We are here to worship and serve Him together.
I am blessed beyond measure to be able to serve God with such warm, passionate, and loving people at CFBC. It is truly an honor and privilege to be a part of a church that not only says they love people, but actually show it.
- Bro. Randy Barnes